Digital Benin

Digital Benin brings together all objects, historical photographs and rich documentation material from collections worldwide to provide a long-requested overview of the royal artefacts from Benin Kingdom looted in the late nineteenth century.

Hosted by MARKK Hamburg museum, the platform connects data from 5,246 objects across 131 institutions in 20 countries. And introduces new scholarship which connects digital documentation about the translocated objects to oral histories, object research, historical context, a foundational Edo language catalogue, provenance names, a map of the Benin Kingdom and museum collections worldwide.

In collaboration with the Digital Benin team, I developed illustrations and icons to represent various object groups (identified by Eiloghosa Obobaifo) for the platform, and a design concept and visual language for the front-end of the entire platform in the final stage of the project.

*Digital Benin won the 2023 Apollo Awards for Digital Innovation of the Year*


Digital (Illustrator)

Creative Fields
UI Design, Illustration, Graphic Design

MARKK Hamburg


Full Digital Benin Language Cards and Colouring book can be downloaded for free here

Webpage screenshots. Development by Alex Horak & Krystelle Denis


Cargo Cults Unlimited


Bini Playing Cards